Monday 23 November 2009


we flew from cuba to quito on a friday...then saturday morning headed straight to otovalo for its well known markets.

we loved all the women (young and old) in their traditional outfits.

market goods.

making some, wearing some.

our first of many hikes in south america...up fuya fuya (4260m), just outside otovalo.

an indian paintbrush (as they are known in the canadian rockies) in ecuador?

after the hike, we had a bit of time to kill before getting picked up by our we thought we could just relax by the lake. fine until the clouds rolled in...filled with rain, hail, and lots of lighting. scary.

the basilica in quito...

...containing nice stained glass.

...more rain and lightning as i go up inside clock tower.

we thought going to the beach town of montanita would be an ideal setting for relaxing and learning spanish...but it did not work out that way.

sloppy streets...

...back to quito the view from our rooftop terrace.

admiring the colonial architecture of the old city.

some performing clowns get the crowds attention in the plaza de la independencia.

up the teleferico (cable car) high above quito...

...we attempt to summit pichincha (4700m). another day hike, we wanted to log some hours at altitude in preparation for future treks.

we nearly made it...only about 20m from the top, but due to fading daylight we had to descend.

theres quito, nearly 2km below.

the trail leading us through drifting fog.

november 2nd is day of the deceased also known as all souls day. at our spanish school we drink colada morada, a blueberry and blackberry corn-based drink, and eat guaguas de pan, sweet bread in the shape of people.

we were successful at our second summit attempt of pichincha...unfortunately there was not much to see due to cloudy weather.

daydreamin' at our favorite cosy pizza joint...

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